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Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing, and is a gentle hand-touch healing system that benefits each body that experiences its healing.    Reiki is performed on a fully dressed person either lying down or seated.  A typical session is 30 - 60 minutes.

Reiki is both powerful and gentle and works in harmony with any other kinds of treatment.  Hospitals and clinics across America are starting to accept Reiki as a way to improve patient care as a method of complimentary care.

The word *Rei* as it is used in Reiki is interpreted to mean higher knowledge or spiritual consciousness. This is the wisdom that comes from God, the High Self or Spirit and is all-knowing.  

*Ki* is life energy or the universal life force.  As long as something is alive, there is energy surrounding it.  (Some of the more familiar places you may have heard of Ki is when it is used by martial artists in their physical training and mental development; or in meditative breathing exercises used in yoga.)


The Spirit called Rei guides the life energy called Ki in the practice we call Reiki.  Therefore, Reiki can be defined as spiritually-guided life energy.


While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion.  There is nothing you must believe in order to receive Reiki.  In fact, it is not dependent on any particular religious belief and works for any living energy.


If you have a health condition, you are encouraged to continue to work with your healthcare professional and to let them know that you are using Reiki as a way to personally assist in your healing and recovery process.


Benefits of Reiki


  • Shortened healing time
  • Reduction or elimination of pain
  • Reduced stress
  • Can be used in conjunction with other healing therapies
  • Can slow down respiration and create emotional calm
  • Can relax and rejuvenate the receiver
  • Healing on all levels...physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

To schedule a Reiki session or register for a class with Julia, please send an email.


Anyone can learn Reiki.  There are three levels, plus a Master level training that an interested person can learn.    In Reiki I, students learn the Reiki principles and history, hand positions for treatment of themselves and others, and receive attunement to the Reiki energy.


In Reiki II, the student has practiced what they have learned in Reiki I and are now ready to learn more about the Reiki symbols, their application in their healing practice, and how to work with the energy of the symbols.


Reiki III, draws on the practice of the student to develop their ability to work with the energy of Reiki for the benefit of healing themselves and others.  They review Reiki history and hand positions and receive four attunements. 


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Julia Janssen
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