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 Frequently Asked Questions 
  • What caused you to write what you write?
    Spirit. I find a time when I can be uninterrupted and then start with meditating to create some "space" and to allowing my mind to relax and tune out all the noise. I am fully aware and allow my mind to write down what is coming through to me. So, writing for me is allowing my spirit to flow through me onto the paper. It is allowing myself to be quiet and tuning out the messages of the world and agreeing to be a vehicle for the message to be heard.

  • How do you know that your messages are clear?
    With practice, I am able to write down exactly what I hear. With practice, I have been able to distinguish between the energies that I feel and hear while I am writing. When the energy begins to feel different, I can physically see my handwriting change as I am writing the words. If the energy begins to feel uncomfortable, I can easily quit writing.

  • How can I hear the spirit within me?
    We all have a spirit within us that wants to communicate. We need to be willing to quiet ourselves long enough to listen and open enough to accept what we hear. Many of us do not believe we are qualified or worthy to hear these messages, so we deny the very source of our most profound inspirations. I urge you to give it a try.

  • Are you channeling these messages?
    A channel needs to be open to allowing energy to overtake their present selves, so I would have to say, no, I am not channeling. I am fully aware and conscious of everything around me. I can take a break if I need and resume writing. To me, I am listening to spirit and allowing its messages to be written. I am capturing in writing the still voice within me that is within each of us.

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Julia Janssen
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