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 About Julia 

Where to begin...I have been on a intense search seeking.  Answers, you know, to the big questions.  Where did I come from?  Who am I supposed to be in the big scheme of things?  Did I agree to all of this?  Or, is this just a playground in my imagination and someday, I will awake and find it was all a dream? 

When I began to seek, I found there were all sorts of people, places, events and happenings occurring that obviously existed, but they were not in my awareness.  I would search and start learning, then learn about another related subject.  I began to understand that it is this discovery that is the process of life and learning.  I have am learning much about what inspires me, what causes me pain and what makes my heart sing.

Now, I find that I it is OK that others are seeking or walking a path.  I do not have to follow. I am not seeking so much, and instead, am taking the time to experience life and all it has to offer. More often, I am remembering to live in the experience of each moment.  My purpose is to appreciate life in all its aspects and to honor the presence of God within each spirit.  Each time I practice this appreciation, I can feel the difference within me and for the situation.

My personal and spiritual growth is an ongoing experience in love and appreciation.  It is a privilege to be able to share my journey with you. It is the journey of discovery that creates the sacred space for us to grow and expand past the confines of our bodies and reach for the greatness within.

You are the journey that will carry you to your destination!  Welcome to the journey!

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Julia Janssen
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