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Tuesday, August 18 2020

Staying Put

     Today, the sun is shining, and the wind has calmed.  Mother Gaia

 is giving us a break from her storms of change.  A breather and a chance to enjoy the bounty of what nature has to offer.  It is difficult in this mist of all the worry and concern of late to remember to breathe and enjoy that bounty.  We are told to stay when it is not in our nature to be stagnant.  What can we do to make the most of this staying while still allowing our bodies and minds to move forward?

     Staying can be associated with the calmness of this day.  The sun still shines, and the wind is staying.  Beauty can be found in the lack of movement.  Clarity can be discovered by lack of movement.  We stop and allow our breath to guide us.  We stop and notice the minute things we passed by in our rush.  We see the clouds and remember in our youth; we saw shapes in their movement.  We notice how those around us move, sit, stand, and communicate through their subtleties.  We reengage in discussions, play games, and contemplate how busy our lives were, and what changes we will keep and what changes we will discard.

     We were given a choice to think about the frailty of life and how to appreciate it in each moment.  We were given the opportunity to regard not only our individual being, but the beingness of each of those in our world.  We were given a choice to embrace life or shrink in fear of it.  We were given the choice to be a part of everything, or a component within a small sphere.  Each of us had the choices to make and reflect and move forward in the way we could best.  None of us were left out.

     How would you believe you would be judged on your part?  Would you be able to stand proud and believe that you had grown from this experience?  Did you squander your opportunity?  Did you reach within yourself to discover what you could do and become?  Or, just count the hours and days until you could resume your usual routine?       None of these decisions is right or wrong, they are just decisions each of us made.  We each have decisions to make every moment leading us one direction or another.  What direction did you wish to go, and did your decisions get you were you wanted?  That is the big question to be answered. 

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Julia Janssen
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