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 Welcome to Healthy Leaning 

Welcome. We are all on a journey through life doing the best we can with what we have. Each of us has talents and abilities and each of us has something unique to share. Few of us can claim to have figured everything out, but all of us are leaning toward the best overall health for ourselves. 

Each day and hour we are on the planet we are making choices that determine our direction. Some decisions and actions lean us toward our goals quickly. Others create intense learning situations that we need to work through. Regardless, this crazy Earth school gets us to our destination. Or not. Choice is always creates the unknown factor.

The saying “We are in the same storm, but not in the same boat.” sums it up nicely. Each of us experiences and processes information coming at us differently. It can be similar, but never the exact same. It is this diversity that makes our experience so wonderful, so thought-provoking, so scary at times, and always up to us to determine how it will affect us going forward. We are leaning toward our health in the way that we have determined works best for us at the time.

So, why do we hesitate? What is it about commitment that scares us so much?  Why do we have the difficulties we do committing to something we know deep in our soul is the right thing?  Why do we use our thinking to creatively find ways out of the situation instead of creating the space we need to more forward?  


     Lots of questions at least indicate that we are still thinking about the process.  Many of us have disappointed ourselves in the past with unfulfilled resolutions and promises so we have just given up on the process entirely.  So, what's in it for us to even discuss this anymore or go through the process of creating our 'wish' list of behaviours and ideas for the year? 

     Well, none of this seems very spiritual on the surface especially if we have created those separate compartments for our lives.  You probably know what I mean...our professional life, our personal life, our family of origin and that whole life, our religious life, etc.  Most of us have done a wonderful job of keeping them all separate and one or more of them is working, but usually not all of them at the same time.  Occasionally, they do all click and we feel like we are on top of the world - at least for a short period of time.

     So, how does spiritually work into this equation and how do we incorporate our essence into everything we do and all of the pieces of our lives as we journey?  No easy answers.  Hey, who said it would be easy!



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Julia Janssen
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